Day Two presents the Future of Creative Content. We ask our panel of proven boundary breakers from design, photography, fashion, publishing, music, technology, commerce, print, digital and social media to “take a look around the creative content corner and tell us what’s happening next”.
For anyone looking to build, amplify or start a successful creative business or establish a rewarding creative career, you won’t want to miss day two.
Image: Lauren Bath.
Saturday 27th August
1-4 pm: Panels
4-6 pm: Drinks with thanks to Blind Corner Wines and Two Birds Brewing.
Special thanks also to Doughnut Time.
Single Day – General Admission: $45
Single Day – Student: $35
Two-Day Pass General Admission: $75
Two-Day Pass Student: $50
Day Two Speakers

THE SCHOOL OF COOL – Presented by Volcom
Friday August 26
Day One presents the Volcom School of Cool; eight undeniably cool girls carving out undeniably cool creative careers. We ask them how they have achieved what so many seek, and what they have done to define their own distinct individuality in a global creative environment that is more interconnected than ever before.